Frequently asked questions

1. What is Chillisign and what is it used for?

Chillisign is a web application that serves as an email signature generator. In the application, you can easily create an email signature and insert it into your mail client.

2. Who is this application for?

Chillisign is for anyone who uses email. It is for individuals, small and large companies with many employees. Chillisign can be used in all sorts of sectors from manufacturing companies to services.

3. For which mail clients is this application?

Signatures based on prepared templates are updated for multiple mail clients, especially Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, Office 365, Thunderbird, Yahoo, Spark.

4. What are templates?

Several templates are available in the application, which are used to choose the layout and display of information. By defining colors, contact and social fields, you create your own template. The application offers the creation of an unlimited number of templates.

5. Who can create templates and email signatures?

Only the signature administrator can create signature templates. The administrator also creates banners and sends application invitations to other users.

6. How do banners work?

The administrator creates a banner, assigns a link to it, and sets the date from when to when it should be displayed in the signature. In this way, several banners can be created that can dynamically rotate in the signature.

7. How do employees create a signature?

Employees receive an invitation by email, thanks to which they log in to the editor and create their signature. They fill in their name, position, and contact information. They then save the signature and, according to the instructions, insert it into the mail client.

8. What can be measured in the email signature?

The email signature allows measuring email views and banner clicks. These statistics can be filtered in the application by users or banners and evaluate the most successful conversion path.

9. What if I want to create my own custom template?

If the created templates do not meet your requirements, we will be happy to create a custom signature for you. Contact us for a custom signature.

10. Can one email address have multiple templates created?

Yes. In the application, it is possible to assign multiple templates to one email for different purposes.

11. Is the signature in the email optimized for phones?


12. What happens to the signatures if the subscription expires or I cancel the services?

The service operates on a monthly subscription basis. If the service expires or you cancel it, the signature in your email will remain but in a limited display and with an advertising banner. It will no longer be possible to add new signatures or edit templates or banners.